Sunday, December 7, 2014

world of card games available in chrome web store

Recently, a player at the site (you know who you are!) suggested that I add World of Card Games to the Chrome Web Store.

So here it is - World of Card Games at Chrome Web Store!

This won't matter to most people, who come to the site by typing the site name into their browser address bar. However, it will be handy for those who use Chrome's app launcher - you can just click on an icon and go directly to the site. It saves a little time.
If you like this widget, please give it a good review in the web store :) Remember, this widget is only available for Google Chrome. But anyone can play at the site - most browsers will handle the games without problems. Things do work best on Google Chrome, though.

If you experience any trouble with the widget, please let me know! I've tested and it works fine for me.