Monday, September 28, 2015

average Euchre win ratio at World of Card Games

Some Euchre players may be interested to know where they stand in their win/loss statistics at World of Card Games. If you don't want to know, stop reading now! ☺

In September of 2015, I computed the win ratio for Euchre players who had completed at least 100 games. I used the numbers that produce the "Absolute win/loss ratio" shown under your "stats" link. Below you will see the distribution of players by win percents. There's one player who has managed to attain a win ratio of > 70%. There are 15 with win ratios between 60-70%... most players come in around 40-50%, which I still think is really very good (especially because that's where my stats stand!).

distribution of players by win percent
Personally, I don't care about my statistics at all. Well, maybe a tiny bit, because I do look at them once in a blue moon. But when I'm playing, it is just for fun. This is what matters to me most.

There is some speculation about just how good you can get with your statistics; how much of Euchre is a matter of luck, and how much is skill. Some people think the best you can do is somewhere around 66%... and these statistics support that idea.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

new feature! download Euchre hand history

Registered players can now "replay" a hand of Euchre at World of Card Games!

At the end of each hand, you will see the image of a floppy disk appear next to your avatar. It looks like this:
replay Euchre hand history
When you click on that icon, a file will be downloaded to your computer. The file contains a link to the replayer at World of Card Games. When you paste that link into your browser address bar, you will be taken to the Euchre replayer at World of Card Games. With the click of a button, you are taken through every step of the hand, with all the cards shown.

Here's a sample link so you can try it: a case where I got lucky and our opponents were "euchred".

I've made this change along with a few bug fixes today. I hope the Euchre players will enjoy this new feature!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

new features: fan cards, limit games in list of tables

A few weeks ago, I modified the Spades layout so that cards would be fanned more widely. I'd already done this for Hearts, at the request of a player who was having trouble playing cards using a stylus on a tablet.

After the change, several players wrote to tell me that they liked it better the previous way! Now you have a choice (in Hearts and Spades only): you can "Fan Cards Wider" or more compactly; it is up to you. The screenshots below demonstrate how to do this: Just uncheck "Fan Cards Wider" in the Settings panel. This panel appears when you click your user name in the upper right corner:
default card fanning
compact card fanning
In the screenshot, you see another new setting. You can now select which card games you want to see in the "list of tables". If you never play Go Fish, and don't want to see it in the list, just uncheck that box in the "List of tables" user setting.

I hope you enjoy these new features!